Fall Foliage

Leaf pigments are used by trees to capture photons from sunlight that drive the photosynthetic machinery that turns light energy into chemical energy. The key pigments used by trees are called chlorophyll A and chlorophyll B.  While both pigments absorb photons from different wavelengths of light from throughout the spectrum, we see the light that…

Oak Wilt

Oak wilt is a vascular disease of red, pine, white and bur oaks. It is primarily transmitted through root grafts between oak trees.  Over land infections are made by picnic beetles feeding on oak wilt fungus mats that are then attracted to fresh wounds on trees. Oak wilt tends to occur in new infections areas…

Bur Oak Blight (BOB)

This past week we were asked to inventory oak trees in a western suburb of Minneapolis.  The charge was to identify and mark trees with oak wilt disease and to identify homes with trees showing symptoms of bur oak blight (BOB).  Based on our observations, homeowners in the community with affected trees will be notified…