Pros and Cons of English Ivy

When you think of English Ivy, you may only have positive words to describe it. Its presence often reminds people of highly respected educational institutions or cottages with old world charm. But its presence can result in damage – and sometimes death – of its surroundings. You need to understand the threat the vine poses…

Top 6 Benefits of Tree Pruning

Tree pruning is a chore that we often discuss when talking about how to maintain the health of your tree. Decreasing Weather Damage The way a tree looks can be deceiving. Although its size may imply that it’s 10 feet tall and bulletproof, ignoring damaged or dead branches can weaken its overall system. A weak…

Trees, Shrubs and Bushes: Your Spring Color Guide

Sooner or later (hopefully sooner), Minnesota’s trees, shrubs and bushes will begin to bloom and add color to what has been a dull winter landscape. After remaining dormant through the winter trees develop their bright green leaves, indicating the presence of spring and chlorophyll. As trees enter their growing seasons (spring and summer), chlorophyll uses…

Learn about Dutch Elm Disease

Part of our role as tree owners is knowing and understanding conditions that could negatively affect their health. Dutch Elm Disease (DED), which first hit St. Paul in 1961, is an important tree disease to know about if you live in Minnesota. Communities, such as St. Paul, often have a proactive, community approach to DED.…