Jim Ostvig, owner of Ostvig Tree Care talks a bit about some common causes of stress in a tree.
There are quite a few. Watch the video below.
1. Insects
There can be insect issues where insects are feeding on the leaves of the tree or feeding on the stems or trunk of the tree that will cause stress.
2. Disease Problems
And then also there are disease problems. There are a lot of diseases of trees, and these symptoms will show up, and if you catch them soon enough, both the insects and the diseases, the tree, a lot of times can be treated and saved before it dies.
3. Girdling Roots
Also, there is an issue that we call girdling roots, where the actual roots of the tree are growing around the trunk of the tree, underneath the surface of the ground and virtually strangling the tree and then cutting the circulation off. And so that’s something that’s very common in our area.
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