If you are managing a property, a lot, an estate, a campus, and you start to see one or two trees look like they’re in trouble, is it important to call someone in fast? How fast does the disease spread across a lot of trees?
Watch the video below as Jim Ostvig, owner of Ostvig Tree Care, talks about how Ostvig Tree diseases.
How fast does a disease spread across a lot of trees?
It can spread very fast. And so it is important, as soon as you start seeing signs of stress in trees, to call one of our arborists in to take a look, because the sooner we’re able to diagnose the problem, the sooner we can correct it and save the tree and then also keep it from the problem from spreading to other trees.
What’s the biggest tree disaster that you’ve been on site for?
We’ve had a few cases where we’ve had oakwilt problems in the trees. And oak wilt is a fungus disease of the vascular system of a tree, and it’s spread initially by insects that carry the fungus on them.
But then once it gets into the tree, it goes through the vascular system of the tree and then goes through the root system. And other oaks in the area, their roots grow together and graft. And so it’s really One large root system. So the disease can go from one tree to the next to the root system, and it can be a real issue if it’s able to be stopped. But if you don’t do anything every year, you’ll start having more and more trees die.
Need Help Diagnosing a Tree Disease?
We will help you with your Diagnosis Ostvig Tree Care – ostvigtree.com 952-473-0534