As the whole world is going through one of the most difficult times we cant help but think what’s going to happen over the next few weeks. Events are canceled, people are advised to stay at home, and businesses remain close until further notice. Our grocery products are selling out as people prepare to store food and home supplies as we cannot easily go out. We would like to share our positive thinking and hope as we all go through these critical times together. We emphasize that there are certain precautions, and as a business, we must take part in helping our local community as well as our employees and our beloved clients. As for right now, Ostvig Tree Care will observe the following measures as we conduct our businesses. We will continue to reach out and provide services and beyond, as we also encourage to think and share the same sentiments to go through this.
As of the moment, we are doing business as normal, or as best as we could to help you in your yard or lawn upkeep. We will be refraining from shaking hands as we normally do to greet our customers. We will be keeping everything we can as clean as possible even with the challenge of working outside your homes. We are observing physical distancing, and may not even be going near our clients as we conduct our regular work. However, we will be doing everything in our power to protect both our team and clients.
All work will go on as scheduled with no changes as for now. We will work with any of our customers if this situation has any effect on you and your family as far as temporary layoffs etc. We will work with rescheduling your work for a later time.
We want to honor our leaders in a position that knows what’s going on and are working hard with the medical and general security fields to fix it. We understand that there may be a few weeks hopefully no more than that if any that we may have to scale back. We are prepared to do so if that’s what is best however we have employees as well as their families that must be taken care of as well. So we will work as long and as hard as we can to maintain full services to everyone in Minnesota.