Blog – Tree Information, Studies, Latest News & Updates – Ostvig
Find out intensive tree information, tree care studies, latest environmental news and updates in Minneapolis and St.Paul Minnessota – Twin Cities
Tree removal is a serious decision that’s best made by an expert. The person removing the tree should be experienced and qualified to get the job done by safely removing it from the ground and properly disposing of it. Removing a tree can be costly, so it’s important to weigh the pros and cons. These…
As the snow begins to fall and the temperatures hover around freezing, the great Minnesota season of “deicing” has begun. The rattle of snow plows portends large piles of gray dirty snow along streets and at the ends of parking lots and driveways. For safeties’ sake, tons of chloride salts will be spread on sidewalks…
Fall and winter are perfect times for arborists to update and create tree and shrub inventories for client properties. Before the snow falls and temperatures drop below zero, it’s an ideal time to visit properties and examine tree structural issues. Without the leaves on deciduous trees, branch structure can be examined. Issues with branch growth…
Why is tree pruning and trimming so important? Because of the impact this maintenance has on your tree’s health and well-being. This may tempt you to get to work on your trees right away, but your landscape needs different things done at different times. Light pruning and the removal of dead wood can be done…
As you enjoy your crisp fall nature walks around the Twin Cities’ plentiful lakes, trails and paths, pay close attention to the various types of trees you see. Minnesota is home to 52 native tree species. You’ll notice different tree species depending on which part of the state you’re in. We’ve focused this blog post…
The leaves are falling and many trees are bare, but, that doesn’t mean the trees are inactive. Most deciduous trees are devoting energy to root systems at this time. They are investing in roots for winter storage as well as in expanding the root network to exploit opportunities for nutrient and water uptake. Since the…